Are you an Influencer? 7 Clear Signs that you are.

The phrase ‘influencer’ has become a mainstay in todays world. When we hear the word ‘influencer’, we think about YouTube stars with millions of followers. Or celebrities sharing glimpses into their lives with picture perfect content.

The power of influencers lies in their ability to create authentic and relatable content. Followers often view influencers as trusted friends, turning to them for advice, recommendations, and entertainment. This level of trust gives influencers the power to sway opinions and shape the purchasing decisions of their followers.

But if you’re not a celebrity, or you don’t have north of a hundred thousand followers, can you even call yourself an influencer? Short answer, Yes!

In this blog post, we go through 7 key signs that you’re an influencer.

  1. Growing follower count: One clear sign that you’re an influencer is a consistently growing follower count. If you’re attracting a significant number of followers who engage with your content, it’s a strong indicator that you’re resonating with your audience and have the potential to become an influencer.
  2. High engagement rates: Beyond just follower count, engagement rates are an important metric to consider. If your audience consistently likes, comments, and shares your content, it shows that you have an engaged and loyal following. This level of engagement is a clear sign that you’re influencing your audience.
  3. Brand collaborations: Brands often approach influencers for collaborations and partnerships. If you’re regularly receiving offers from brands to promote their products or services, it’s a clear indication that you’re seen as an influential figure in your niche.
  4. Impactful content: Influencers have the ability to create content that resonates with their audience on a deep level. If your content consistently evokes emotions, educates, or inspires your followers, it’s a sign that you’re creating impactful content that has the potential to influence others.
  5. Building a community: Influencers are known for their ability to build a community around their brand. If you’re able to foster a sense of belonging and engagement among your followers, it’s a clear sign that you’re not just an ordinary social media user, but an influencer who has the power to bring people together.
  6. Influence beyond social media: Influencers have the power to extend their influence beyond social media platforms. If you find that your opinions, recommendations, or ideas are impacting the decisions or actions of others in real life, it’s a strong indication that you’re an influencer.
  7. Recognition from peers: Lastly, recognition from your peers in the industry is a clear sign that you’re an influencer. If other influencers or industry experts acknowledge your work, seek collaborations, or mention you as a source of inspiration, it shows you’re influential.


Do you have to show all 7 signs before you can call yourself an Influencer? No! Of all the above, creating impactful content, building a community and showing high engagement rates are the most important. Even with a small following, if you’re hitting these 3s pillars, brand collaboration and your community will grow, as will your reach beyond social media.

With the rise of influencer marketing, brands have recognised the value of partnering with the right influencers to promote their products or services. By leveraging an influencer’s reach and influence, brands can tap into their target audience more effectively and authentically.

If you’re an influencer in your niche at any scale and would like to understand how you can develop your personal brand, reach and unlock brand collaboration opportunities, please drop us a line at [email protected] for a chat.